D35612000 CG16K, 0-50 mbar
    • D35612000 CG16K, 0-50 mbar

    CG16K, 0-50 mbar


    CG16K, 0-50 mbar

    CG16K capsule dial gauges are barometrically compensated with NW flange fittings. Designed to cover the range of 0 to 1040 mbar, these robust gauges provide accurate, repeatable performance even at low pressures making them equally suited for non-corrosive process plant or for laboratory applications. Fitting is simple: the gauges can be mounted direct or panel mounted using the kit supplied.

    For optimum results, capsule dial gauges should be located close to the pressure to be measured. Long pipe lengths may lead to pressure drops and inaccuracy.

    Price on request

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    Technical Data

    Range0-1040 mbar, 0-760 Torr
    0-125 mbar, 0.100 Torr
    0-50 mbar, 0-40 Torr
    0-25 mbar, 0-20 Torr
    Accuracy±2% of full scale deflection
    Maximum applied pressure
      25 mbar version1 bar absolute, 0 bar gauge
      Other versions2 bar absolute, 1 bar gauge
    Weight1 kg
    Vacuum connectionNW16 Flange
    Accessories suppliedClamp and studs for panel mounting